Grow PNG will focus on supporting its partners’ programs and practices that target the female population in the Markham Valley and provide support for women who depend on agriculture for an income. It will help partners improve or enhance their own programs by generating awareness, facilitating knowledge-sharing, training, and sharing tools about gender mainstreaming and inclusion. Upcoming plans include:
Gender Training/Workshop(s) focused on challenges and opportunities for women farmers. Specific topic and modality will be explored based on partner needs, interest, and feedback.
Identify and document examples of existing gender inclusion practices. These case studies will be distributed across the Grow PNG and Grow Asia network, with a focus on sharing strategies among partners and encouraging greater attention to gender.
Identify and document examples of successful women farmers, agribusiness owners, agripreneur, and their stories so to promote gender inclusion and women’s empowerment practices within PNG and across Grow Asia network.
GrowHer Papua New Guinea
Stories of Inspirational Women Agripreneurs