Markham Valley Land Map
Grow PNG engaged agritech start-up Enveritas in 2019 to analyze satellite data in the Markham Area. The information captured included weather (annual rainfall, monthly temperatures), terrain (slope, elevation), soil, and other variables that can guide crop selection, planting investments, and agronomic management in the region.
Papua New Guinea University of Technology was also engaged to collect 80 soil samples in the Markham Region and conduct a soil chemical content analysis, specifically looking at nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus content, soil density, and hydrology indicators.
The dataset is now available publicly to support businesses, especially Working Groups, in making more informed decisions. The goal of this dataset is to:
allow business leaders to make better decisions around crop selection and planning investments in the valley
inspire new entrants to invest in the valley
provide the data required to drive policy makers, business leaders, farm groups and civil society to work together on sectoral development
Markham Household Income Baseline Survey
Grow PNG engaged the Markham Students and Staff association to conduct a Baseline Household Income Survey covering three districts of the Markham Valley: Umi-Atzera, Onga-Waffa, and Leron-Wantoat.
The primary objective of the survey is to appreciate and understand the income levels of agricultural activities in Markham while also identifying market access problems faced by farmers. Information such as how much the farmers earn for different crops like banana, watermelon, and peanuts; the distance they travel to a market; which markets they sell their produce to, and availability of space at the markets were analyzed by the survey team.
The report also indicates opportunities for development of certain crops that have the potential for large-scale commercial market which are currently underdeveloped or need to be redeveloped, such as rice and peanuts. The report is available on the Grow PNG website.
The report has been shared with partners and stakeholders such as the Markham politicians and district authority, agribusinesses, DFAT and interested organisations. Political leaders in the area intend to use the information to support their district and ward development plans for effective service delivery.